Jun 1, 2008

Quick Bites

  1. While leading the dogs back to their kennels today, 3 of them were strong enough to drag me behind while they explored the great big doggy world. It was comical, me flying behind them on leash.

  2. There's a beautiful Rottweiler at the SPCA today. She's lovely and has a very sweet nature.
    Sky, Rottweiler

  3. The dogs get little chew toys which are shaped like poo. No idea what are they for - never seen the dogs vaguely interested in them. We've got them in varying sizes.
    Poo Chew
    Poo Chew

    Tigger's pensive
    I asked Tigger. He has no idea too.

  4. Managed to get a great cat picture with my very very horrible k770i camera phone.
    she's lovely isn't she?

  5. There are parents who specially bring their kids down to SPCA to educate them about pets, which I think is great. Met one dad who awarded his son with trips whenever he did well; the father was considering letting his son adopt a dog too if he did well for PSLE.

    Today I met a mother and heard her saying that she brings her kids regularly, and hopes that it will encourage them to volunteer when they are older.