Mar 17, 2008

Adopt me

After hanging out at the SPCA for consecutive weekends, I still cannot decide whether I like dogs or cats more. Cleaning dog cages is definitely the messier job, but dogs are such uncomplicated animals.

Cats are small and lovely, but unpredictable. Actually I think it does not matter whether it's a cat or dog, I'd like a quiet pet who would be contented to sit still and let me fuss and pet it for hours on end without complaining.

I think I need a soft toy (instead).

Rabbits however, remain totally alien to me. Though this last weekend, supervised by an experience full-time staff in the cats and small animals section, I finally learnt the 'right' way to grab a rabbit from its cage: position your hand ready, and grab the back of the rabbit's neck. The element of surprise is extremely important. But this method looks like it hurts, so I continue to hold them under the front legs, supporting their bums.

For cats, it seems they don't really mind all that much being hoisted under their front legs as long as you are confident.

Back to adoption. I'm here because my mother would not let me bring a dog or cat home. She still does not seem to be relenting on that point, so I can probably forget about adopting as long as I live under her roof.

Favourite adoption candidates of the week:
  1. This lovely Chihuahua called Rudy (male, 6 years old) who is really hot stuff. Going soon
    Rudy the Chihuahua
  2. Spot (black dog x-breed, 2 years old) who is pending
    Spot, my favourite dog
  3. Moo Ping, (brown dog x-breed 5 months) whose name sounds really close to my boyfriend's brother
  4. Thomas (black & white cat 1 year old) because last Saturday, he spotted me from outside, mewed at me, then happily allowed me to place him on my lap and let me fuss over him. Though he started chewing my hand at the end of it all. I do not like being chewed.
    Thomas napping

Time to sleep.

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